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Danielle Johnson
Oct 27, 2021
Everything Is a Lesson! Part Two
As I aspire to be a better human being, I understand the beauty of valuing myself, my lived experiences, and every individual placed in...

Danielle Johnson
Oct 26, 2021
Everything Is a Lesson! Part One
Learning is essential to improvements in our daily lives, especially when someone says or does something that you feel is a concern....

Danielle Johnson
Oct 25, 2021
Everything Is a Lesson! Setting the Stage
Experiences and reflections that you engage in allow you to develop the will to activate “lessons learned.” There are so many thoughts...

Doug Wren
Oct 23, 2021
Parents Will Get to Decide What Their Children Are Taught
Earlier this month, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted, “I think parents should decide what their children are taught in...

Danielle Johnson
Oct 12, 2021
Chapter Two: Ramblings from an Overwhelmed, Frustrated, but Grateful New Teacher
Phase I: Excitement and Nervousness “FFTs (effing first times): How hard it is to be new at things – from small things to global...

Meghan Raftery
Oct 1, 2021
Intercultural Competence: A Journey, Not a Destination
If you’ve been around Edjacent for a while (before it even had a name), you may recall a blog post I wrote in June 2020 called You Should...

Doug Wren
Sep 22, 2021
Data Literacy MUST Be Taught in Public Schools
“Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write.” This statement, often...

Meghan Raftery
Sep 17, 2021
Is It Time for A Permanent Remote Learning Contingency?
From June through October each year, my family waits for “The Big One.” My husband is a weather buff by interest, but also part of the...

LouAnne Metzger
Sep 8, 2021
Why Am I Interested in Edjacent?
Edjacent is proud to welcome our latest designer, esteemed retired principal LouAnne Metzger! After meeting with LouAnne in person to...

Doug Wren
Aug 29, 2021
K-12 Testing: To Infinity and Beyond Reason (Part Two)
Welcome back, gentle readers. In the previous installment of this two-part blog series, I described how the bipartisan No Child Left...

Doug Wren
Aug 27, 2021
K-12 Testing: To Infinity and Beyond Reason (Part One)
It’s back to school time and kids everywhere are excited about the prospect of taking lots of tests to measure their “learning loss”...

Meghan Raftery
Aug 24, 2021
Edjacent Shared Agreements: Claim Your Professional Purpose
The opportunity for a fresh start at the beginning of each school year: it’s one of the best things about being a student or an educator....

Danielle Johnson
Aug 23, 2021
Guest Post: The Final Chapter of One Teaching Story – Now a Sequel!
Many of us consider ourselves to be what Edjacent guest author Kellie Weisenbeck calls her blog – More Than a Teacher. Kellie is a...

Danielle Johnson
Aug 20, 2021
Ruminations on Becoming an Unwitting Algebra Teacher: Chapter One
This post is the first in a series by Edjacent Designer Laura Solomon. Laura is embarking on a self-authoring journey as a first-time...

Danielle Johnson
Aug 16, 2021
You’ve Been Given a Seat – to Liberation
Wow! That feeling when you feel you’ve “made it.” You’re a woman of color and you’ve been given a leadership position and secured a seat...

Danielle Johnson
Aug 6, 2021
Dropping Anchor: Claiming Our Professional Purpose
Imagine it is 1999 and you and I are walking around California Polytechnic University. It is sunny out and we are in flare jeans, my...

Danielle Johnson
Aug 5, 2021
Put Some Respect on my B (not b)
As a Reading Specialist, I think a lot about grammar and syntax, tone and voice, parts of speech, and overall word choice. How and when...

Meghan Raftery
Jul 29, 2021
Educators as Artists: An Evening With Author Jennifer Abrams
When Mark and I hosted the first Edjacent meeting via Zoom in January of 2021, we had modest expectations. We hoped to get a few...

Danielle Johnson
Jul 27, 2021
Making Sense of the Science of Reading
Look! Up at the School! Is it balanced literacy? Is it Whole Language? No, it’s the Science of Reading! Whether you are a beginning...

Doug Wren
Jul 25, 2021
Why Gifted Programs Lack Diversity
Before taking a central office job with the DeKalb County (GA) School District, I was a classroom teacher at a magnet school for high...
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