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Edjacent Shared Agreements: Claim Your Professional Purpose

The opportunity for a fresh start at the beginning of each school year: it’s one of the best things about being a student or an educator. With a clear sense of beginning an end, we have the chance to begin again every year. For some of us, this is getting harder each year. Our WHY is fading, our sense of agency is in jeopardy, and we have to work harder than ever to find our purpose.

Edjacent designer Angelyn Nichols is masterful at helping people find their why. She clearly articulates her own purpose and has also worked to shape shared agreements for our Edjacent team.

Shared Agreements:

Our vision at Edjacent is to empower educators to design their legacy. Our content has been created to equip educators to learn and lead joyfully and with agency. As such, we expect ourselves and others to live into our core values:

  • Authenticity: We invite you to show up as your true selves. We believe in diversity of perspective, we honor individual agency, and we are committed to building and maintaining safe spaces for deeper learning.

  • Growth: Becoming a self-author is an audacious act. We operate from a belief that everyone in the room is a learner, even the experts.

  • Connection: We foster spaces that welcome educators who teach, learn, and grow alongside other educators who care as deeply as they do. Our spaces are human-centered and we practice compassion, curiosity, and respect.

  • Balance: We celebrate educators who are healthy and whole. You may hear professional and personal stories and experiences in our courses. Honor the responsibility that comes with learning in our community. Share the concepts, skills, and insights you gain; however, keep other peoples’ sharing confidential.

  • Legacy: Our courses and workshops are interactive. Come ready to share your wisdom and connect with educators who will also share their wisdom. Together we will benefit our profession.

Does your team have shared agreements? Do you understand your own professional purpose? Could you use a clear beginning? If so, join Angelyn on August 28 to Claim Your Professional Purpose. (Members use the code PURPOSE21 for a 30% discount!) Bring your team, bring a friend, bring your best intentions and softest heart. You won’t regret spending 90 minutes of your Saturday morning setting the tone for your next 90 school days!

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